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Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) Transponder A1

Satpositie Sateliet Norad .ini News Kanalen FTA-kanalen Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Updaten
7.0°W Nilesat 102 26470 0 0 6.91°W -1.23° 2.45° N/A N/A 2025-02-26 00:25
7.0°W Nilesat 301 52817 26 26 6.96°W 0.05° 0.06° N/A N/A 2025-02-26 00:40
7.0°W Nilesat 201 36830 280 247 7.05°W -0.01° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-21 22:58
7.0°W Eutelsat 7 West A 37816 481 460 7.33°W 0.04° 0.07° N/A N/A 2025-03-25 20:27

Verdeling per: Codering: Display mode:

22 Antwoord(en) - Verdeling per frequentie - Nieuwe info: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
7.0°W 22Eutelsat 7 West A 10727.37HA1MENADVB-SQPSK27500 7/844.3 Mb/s 20480500 KingOfSat charts update form
Asil TV Various Gulfsat FTA 4730 4732 4733  4731  4732    2021-12-08 +
Waar TV HD Various Gulfsat FTA 4740 4742 4743 ara
4741  4742    2020-06-01 +
UTV Iraq General Gulfsat FTA 4750 4752 4753 ara  4751  4752    2020-06-01 +
Al Bahrany TV Various Gulfsat FTA 4780 4782 4783 ara  4781  4782    2024-01-03 +
Alnajaf Alashraf TV Various Gulfsat FTA 4800 4802 4803 ara  4801  4802    2022-02-27 +
Kidsy TV Children Gulfsat FTA 4850 4852 4853 eng  4851  4852    2024-11-30 +
Saout Alaqila Various Gulfsat FTA 4900 4902 4903 ara  4901  4902    2025-03-22 +
Palestine HD General Gulfsat FTA 4910 4912 4913 ara  4911  4912    2021-05-16 +
Al-Jawad TV Various Gulfsat FTA 4920 4922 4923 ara  4921  4922    2024-03-08 +
Albasra 1 TV Religious Gulfsat FTA 4930 4932 4933 eng  4931  4932    2024-01-03 +
Askariyah TV Various Gulfsat FTA 4940 4942 4943 ara  4941  4942    2024-03-09 +
Al Shirazioun Various Gulfsat FTA 4950 4952 4953 ara  4951  4952    2024-07-21 +
Al Kout TV Various Gulfsat FTA 4990 4992 4993 ara  4991  4992    2024-07-21 +
Massaya Lifestyle Gulfsat FTA 5000 5002 5003 ara  5001  5002    2023-08-01 +
Massaya Lifestyle Gulfsat FTA 5000 5002 5003 eng  5001  5002    2023-07-31 +
The Kingdom Sat Various Gulfsat FTA 5920 5922 5923 ara  5921  5922    2024-07-25 +
France 24 (in Arabic)
News Gulfsat FTA 5940 5942 5943  5941  5942    2024-09-01 +
Al Waqie HD Various Gulfsat FTA 5950 5952 5953 ara  5951  5952    2021-11-14 +
Al Rafidain TV HD General Gulfsat FTA 5960 5962 5963 tur  5961  5962    2022-02-01 +
Al Awhad TV Various Gulfsat FTA 6450 6452 6453 ara  6451  6452    2020-08-16 +
MCD Radio Gulfsat FTA 5930   5933 ara  5931  5933    2024-09-05
al kafeel Gulfsat FTA 8020   8022 ara  8021  8022    2024-07-11

Detailed transponder stream properties (10727.37 H)

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