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ABS-3A (3°W) - Alle uitzendingen

Satpositie Sateliet Norad .ini News Kanalen FTA-kanalen Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation Updaten
3.0°W ABS-3A 40424 12 2 2.99°W -0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-08 23:28

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20 Antwoord(en) - Verdeling per frequentie - Nieuwe info: 2025-03-08 23:28 CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
3.0°W 1ABS-3A 3942.00V-East HemiDVB-S28PSK1666 3/4MPEG2/MPEG4 Encoder, 1.2 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Channels TV General IDC FTA 1 308 256 eng  32  8190    2024-01-20 +
3.0°W 1ABS-3A 4114.00V23CEast HemiDVB-S2QPSK3333 3/52.8 Mb/s 01 KingOfSat charts update form
Rede Mundial Internacional Religious IMPD TV FTA 1 1110 1120  5001  1110    2023-08-25 +
3.0°W 10ABS-3A 4157.00H24CGlobalDVB-S2QPSK45000 4/5{90DDA122-D72A-44F4-8716-F5971397DE05}, 4.6 kb/s 17 KingOfSat charts update form
ESPN 2 Sport CruiseSatTV Xcrypt 9200 144 73 aac eng  32  144    2025-02-10 +
ESPN U HD Sport CruiseSAT Xcrypt 9201 912 928 aac eng  33  912    2025-02-10 +
ESPN SYN 780_ABS3 CruiseSatTV Xcrypt 9202 48 62 aac eng  36  48    2025-02-10
ESPN SYN 790_ABS3 CruiseSatTV Xcrypt 9203 56 66 aac eng  35  56    2025-02-10
CNN International HD News CruiseSat TV Xcrypt 9301 710 700 aac eng  38  710    2025-02-10 +
CruiseSat_ABS3 CruiseSatTV Xcrypt 9302 256 257 aac   38  256    2025-02-10
Rai Italia General Harmonic Xcrypt 9303 811 821 aac ita  40  811    2025-02-10 +
National Geographic Benelux Documentaries CruiseSat Xcrypt 9351 117 118 aac eng  121  117    2025-02-11 +
NatGeo Wild
Documentaries CruiseSat Xcrypt 9352 64 72 aac eng  109  64    2025-02-11 +
OU01 CruiseSat TV Xcrypt 9400 68 69 aac   43  68    2025-02-21
3.0°W ABS-3A 10715.00HM10MENADVB-S28PSK1666 5/6 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2023-05-01)
3.0°W ABS-3A 11053.00H-MENADVB-S2QPSK30000 1/2 132 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2025-02-10)
3.0°W ABS-3A 11462.00VE7EuropeDVB-S2QPSK3062 1/23 028 kb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2021-11-13)
3.0°W ABS-3A 11599.20H-MENADVB-SQPSK256 3/4 84423 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2025-02-10)
3.0°W ABS-3A 11614.00HM8MENADVB-S2QPSK2916 3/4 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2024-01-20)
3.0°W ABS-3A 11617.00HM8MENADVB-S28PSK1666 5/6 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2024-01-20)
3.0°W ABS-3A 12711.00VM3EuropeDVB-S2QPSK4048 1/33 289 kb/s 00 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2020-02-29)
3.0°W ABS-3A 12739.00V-EuropeDVB-S2QPSK13175 2/3BeS, 17.4 Mb/s 857257 KingOfSat charts update form
Occasional Feeds, data or inactive frequency (2022-07-09)

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